I have had 3 C-Secions. The first was an emergency so there we complications. Recovery was hard due to an abscess in the c-section incision. Also I ate crap food the whole pregnancy...basically lived off Taco Bell. I gained 75lbs and only lost 37lbs. Next pregnancy I got up to 240lbs and lost about 40lbs after. Third pregnancy and last I only gained 20lbs but seemed to keep it ALL after. Now I have separated stomach muscles and weight to lose. I have done alright but lately my nemesis CAKE has had a strong hold on me. I love food! I am also an emotional eater. I hope to change these things.
Ok...here is the deal. I am setting a goal for myself to lose 3lbs a week for the next 10 weeks. It is actually a "Couch To 5K Training Plan". Along with this I am doing our Wii Fitness and Active workouts. I am also choosing to live a more active life. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and make it possible to be outside most days.
My current weight is 199lbs. I have already lost 30lbs since the end of February this year. But I have been back and forth over the 200 mark for a couple months. My overall goal is to be 150lbs. This 10 week goal will get me close.
My hope is that by blogging about it I can have some accountability for how much I do. Also I will be able to see the work I have done. I will post pics along the way...however embarrassed I may feel. Plus if I lose all this weight I won't have a choice but to go SHOPPING!!! So...Here I go!
Today's "Stats"
Weight: 199lbs
Pant size: 14/16
Shirt size: L/XL